Every dollar counts in this crisis. Don’t spend critical time and money to access your income and benefits. There are safe, affordable checking account options that have low or no fees, no overdraft charges, and free online & mobile bill pay features. Some can be set up online and others can be opened in person via drive-through windows. Why try … Read More
Colorado Workers Need a Secure Savings Plan
For nearly half of the workers in Colorado’s private sector, saving for retirement doesn’t even feel like an option. The systemic barriers to saving are vast and far-reaching, especially for people who earn lower wages or work for small businesses, including high rates of people of color and younger workers. A lack of time, know-how, social constraints, and behavioral … Read More
Washington Starting to Make It Easier to Save for Retirement
Although recent actions are a step forward in making it easier for people to save for retirement, the devil is in the details.
Confronting Disparities, Building Opportunities
We will focus our 2018-2019 work on building deeper community ties around the pillars of community investment, entrepreneurship, and financial education.
Time to Meet the Challenge of Student Debt Head On
Failures within the student loan servicing industry are eerily similar to those prevalent within the mortgage industry that precipitated the Great Recession of 2008. We won’t sit back and allow these servicers to continue to fail Colorado consumers.
No, Workers Aren’t Raiding Their Retirement Savings
The argument that we shouldn’t pass the Colorado Secure Savings Plan because workers will raid their accounts before they retire is the reddest of red herrings.